Bedford County IT Policy - Links

Bedford County IT Policy - Links 


Click the below link to visit the Bedford County Website for a full list of published Bedford County IT Policies 

Bedford County IT Policies

Or , Visit each link for specific policies below:

Acceptable Use 

Bedford County, VA systems, networks, email, equipment, telephone, and Internet connectivity are provided for business use. All county employees shall be required to comply with acceptable use standards. 

Accpetable Use IT

Enterprise Software and Hardware 

Compliance with these standards ensures your computers and software will be supported by the Bedford County Information Technology. Support for non-standard equipment and software will not be supported. 

Enterprise Software and Hardware Support IT Policy

GIS Access and Dissemination

The purpose of these guidelines is to define the terms by which Bedford County, Virginia will provide GIS data and GIS services to the general public.

GIS Access and Dissemination Guideines

Incident Response

It is the employee’s responsibility to report any and all information technology security incidents to IT. The purpose of this policy is to ensure prompt and effective detection, containment, and recovery from security incidents.

Incident Response Policy

IT Help Desk

The purpose of this IT Help Desk Policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for the efficient and effective handling of IT support requests, inquiries, and incidents within the organization. The policy aims to ensure consistent, timely, and quality assistance to all users, promoting a smooth and productive work environment.

 IT Help Desk Policy

Mobile Device Usage

This policy establishes guidelines for the issuance and usage of County-owned mobile devices as well as procedures for monitoring and controlling costs related to mobile device use in connection with County business.

Mobile Device Usage Policy

Password Management 

Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts. A poorly chosen password may result in the compromise of Bedford County’s enterprise network. As such, all employees (including contractors and vendors with access to Bedford County systems) are responsible for safeguarding their system access login and password credentials and must comply with the password parameters and standards identified in this policy.

Password Management Policy

Payment Security

This policy is established as required by those rules and applies to all employees who have access to card-processing systems and customer credit and debit cards while performing their jobs, as well as those employees who administer this policy.

Payment Security Policy

Vendor Access

The purpose of this policy is to establish rules and responsibilities for the vendors/contractors who require not only physical access but also access to the County’s network and information resources. This policy is intended to minimize potential exposure from damages and to mitigate any liability to the County as a result of unauthorized use.

Vendor Access IT Policy

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Article ID: 4100
Wed 1/31/24 11:45 AM
Wed 8/7/24 2:37 PM