Office Move Request


Request IT to assist with moving IT equipment to another office location

Who can submit this request?

Any Bedford County user that has been issued IT equipment 

How we process your request?

Typical resolution time:

5 Business Days


After you submit your request, IT will:

  • Review the request
  • Contact the requester, department head, and maintenance staff to schedule move
  • Schedule the move 

Note: Any special requests will require a separate service request (see Related Services below for additional request types).

Before you submit a service request, you will need to:

  • Complete this service request  
  • Indicate current office location, move office location, and list all IT equipment to be moved to new location
  • Please give at least one week's notice of the move date. 



Request Service


Service ID: 257
Fri 6/16/23 2:23 PM
Thu 11/2/23 2:33 PM